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Travel smarter with Avis
Add a GPS or mobile Wi-Fi to your car rental booking
Stay on track during any Avis road trip: Mobile Wi-Fi allows you to enjoy the freedom of mobile connectivity in or out of your hire car while our nifty GPS devices will help you find your way no matter how intrepid your adventure.Just be sure to select each item you'd like when booking your vehicle online.
Book early and travel easy
Getting lost in the great outdoors can be a stressful experience, especially when time is in short supply. Whether you're on home turf or touring abroad, we can help you along the way with quality portable sat nav devices offering turn-by-turn instructions.GPS can be booked for a fee of CHF 24 per day (maximum of CHF 240 per rental).*
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Mobile Wi-Fi
Our Mobile Wi-Fi package offers wireless internet access so you can contact everyone who stayed at home. Enjoy the freedom of mobile connectivity in or out of your hire car, without exorbitant roaming or hotel data charges.Connect up to five different devices like laptops, smartphones and tablets. Our Mobile Wi-Fi is available for a daily rate of CHF 8,33 or a weekly rate of CHF 58.31.*
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The small print
- Standard rental terms and conditions apply.
- Availability of all products is subject to location and stock levels.
- GPS Speed camera alerts must be turned off when driving in France.
- Fair usage policy applies to Avis Mobile Wi-Fi online.
- In the UK, Mobile Wi-Fi cannot be booked for One Way Rentals and works in the pick-up country only.
- In Europe, Mobile Wi-Fi works across borders. Mobile Wi-Fi is subject to availability and signal availability.
* Prices and products available may differ between countries. At premium locations like airports or train stations a surcharge applies (in Switzerland 20% of the rental price). You will be shown the exact amount in the booking process.